2020 Student TEAM (Train and Educate Advocates through Mentorship) Event
Monday, February 3, 2020
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Office of Commonwealth Alliances
Frankfort, KY
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
8:00 am – 4:00pm
Kentucky State Capitol;\
Frankfort, KY
Event Description:
All training programs in speech-language pathology and audiology in the Commonwealth are invited to send four individuals from their university to participate in KSHA’s 2020 TEAM Event. The TEAM event is designed to Train and Educate Advocates through Mentorship and create new “teams” of professional advocates for the future. Participants will complete an interactive professional development session focused on advocacy on February 3. On February 4, students will attend the Tri-Alliance Advocacy Day (i.e., collaborative initiative of KSHA, the Kentucky Physical Therapy Association, and Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association) and will participate in several, unique advocacy experiences, including visiting state legislators, conducting hearing screenings for legislators and staff, and attending a legislative session.
Learner Outcomes:
The participants will be able to:
- Describe the governmental structure in Kentucky, discuss how a bill becomes a law, and explain how the Kentucky state budget is established.
- Identify and describe e-advocacy tools (e.g., ASHA’s Take Action, Kentucky Bill Watch, etc.).
- Identify and explain advocacy techniques for effective communication with state, local, and federal policymakers.
Want to help?
KSHA members interested in attending the TEAM event and mentoring student participants are encouraged to email KSHA’s Governmental Relations Chair at kellie.ellis@eku.edu.
Kellie Ellis, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an Associate Professor and Communication Disorders Program Coordinator at Eastern Kentucky University. Her research interests include language and literacy development and disorders. Dr. Ellis is a former Chair of ASHA’s Governmental Relations Public Policy Board, Chair of the Kentucky Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, and President of the Kentucky Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She currently serves as KSHA’s Governmental Relations Chair and a member of Kentucky’s Read to Achieve Advisory Council.
Kate Wood Hall, MBA, is a Partner of Commonwealth Alliances (KSHA Lobbying Firm). Kate has worked in Kentucky politics and government for over 12 years. Prior to joining Commonwealth Alliances, she served as former Governor Steve Beshear’s Legislative Liaison and Director of the Governor’s Office of Legislative Services. During her time in this position, she was the Governor’s senior advisor on issues relating to the legislature and state legislation, and worked on key policy achievements including curbing prescription drug abuse, raising Kentucky’s dropout age to 18 and addressing state government’s pension crisis. She also actively worked with the Governor and other members of his senior staff and Cabinet Officials on policy development and strategic decision making.